May 13, 2024

The Gator Gazette

Reservoir High School Student Newspaper

What Now? Recovering From the COVID-19 Pandemic

Priscilla Ye
Priscilla Ye


On March 12, 2020, Maryland became the first out of two states nationwide to completely close its public school systems. Several months later, on August 27, Governor Larry Hogan and Dr. Karen B. Salmon deemed the entire state of Maryland to be safe for schools to reopen. However, the ultimate decision is still left to each county’s board of education to decide, and following the guidelines set by the Maryland Department of Health is highly recommended.

On September 1st, just a few days before online classes started here in Howard County, Governor Hogan announced that indoor theaters, outdoor venues, retail stores, and religious facilities would be safe to reopen at 50 percent capacity on the 4th. This is a part of Stage Three of Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery, developed based on recovery plans set by the federal government and with the input of scientists and public health scientists from the Maryland Coronavirus Response Team.

During October, it was announced on the 1st that nursing homes and other assisted living facilities would be allowed to hold indoor visitations after meeting specific guidelines. In addition, childcare facilities can return to the original teacher-child ratios while maintaining safety protocols. 

In terms of the general public, the reopenings show potential towards nearing the decline of the outbreak. While life and social norms will not return to standards before the pandemic, that does not prevent us from enjoying small things that might have been a part of our lives before public facilities closed down. We can go to the movies with a couple of friends, attend outdoor weddings, and host small potluck dinners, given that proper social distancing guidelines are followed, and masks are worn. 

It might be time before we can talk to others face to face and not mask to mask. Until then, safety measures are in place to protect not only ourselves but to protect everybody around us as well. The next time you put on a mask, consider it your contribution to stopping the spread of COVID and easing back into normality rather than a burdensome chore.

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