May 18, 2024

The Gator Gazette

Reservoir High School Student Newspaper

Yom Kippur

Benjamin Fishman


Most see it as a day off school, but to any Jewish student, Yom Kippur is an important day. Yom Kippur means “Day of Atonement” and refers to the annual Jewish observance of fasting, prayer, and repentance. Part of the High Holidays, which also includes Rosh HaShanah (the Jewish New Year), Yom Kippur is considered the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. After Rosh Hashanah starts the new year on a celebratory note, it’s a day to seriously reflect on the past year’s mistakes. Jewish holidays follow a lunar calendar, so the date changes yearly. This year, the holiday occurred on October 5th.

The purpose of the holiday is to atone for the past year’s wrongdoings. That means taking time to understand what was wrong, feeling remorse for it, and striving to do better in the next year. One of the most prominent traditions for Yom Kippur is fasting (not eating) until sundown as an act of atonement. Not everyone participates— People whose health could be put at risk by fastings, such as children, pregnant people, and chronically ill people, are encouraged not to. 

Another observance of the holiday is going to services at a synagogue. During the past two years, COVID has made this more difficult. Before, it was expected that even those who are not as religious and do not usually go to synagogue go for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur because of their importance. The two holidays are known collectively as the High Holy Days, the most sacred holidays in Judaism.

At the end of the day, after the sun has set, families come together to break their fast with a good meal. What’s on the menu varies from family to family, as well as across different branches of Jewish culture. Some eat brunch-like foods, such as bagels with cream cheese and lox. Others might eat brisket and soup. No matter the variations in tradition, it’s a time to reflect and be with family. G’mar chatimah tovah (Hebrew Yom Kippur greeting that translates to an excellent final sealing).